When a tooth becomes infected or is badly decayed, the best dental doctor in Kolkata can often repair and save it by root canal treatment. He/she removes the nerve and pulp and seals the inner part of the tooth after cleaning the area. There may be the formation of abscesses without treatment due to infection in the tissue surrounding the tooth. The natural cavity within the centre of the root is the root canal. The pulp and the tooth’s nerve lie within the root canal.

Reasons for the procedure

Bacteria enter the pulp if there is a cracked tooth or a deep cavity. The pulp ultimately gets destroyed due to the bacteria, which can also cause an infection in the bone. The bone becomes weak due to the infection, which also causes it to break. There is often swelling of the ligaments around the tooth. Sometimes, the tooth becomes sensitive to high and low temperatures due to pulp injury. There can also be continuous throbbing pain. The infection will spread if there is a lack of treatment and the tooth will become loose. Then you have to extract the tooth. The surrounding teeth often start to move during the extraction of a tooth and can become crooked. However, you can save the tooth and get rid of the pain if you go for root canal treatment in Kolkata.

The Procedure For Root Canal Treatment

The dentist administers local anaesthesia to numb the tooth and the surrounding tissues. He/she will place a dental dam over the affected and the adjacent teeth. The tooth that needs treatment will protrude through a hole in the dam. This will separate it from the rest of the mouth. The dentist then makes a hole through the biting surface of the affected tooth to get access to the pulp chambers and the root canals. From the tooth, he/she removes the diseased and dead pulp tissue using special instruments. After removing the pulp and the nerves, the teeth specialist doctor disinfects the canal with antiseptic and antibacterial solutions. He/she prepares the canals for applying root canal fillings and sealers. The root canal debris is removed by washing and cleaning the canals again. The dental specialist fills the canal space with fillings and seals it with adhesive cement. This prevents new infection from bacteria.

The doctor removes the dental dam after sealing the hole made for accessing the pulp chambers. He/she will usually prescribe some antibiotics after the procedure is over. There may be a little soreness for some days after the procedure, which you will be able to manage by taking medicines. The dentist may find it necessary to completely seal the top of the tooth with a crown. This will prevent recontamination of the area with bacteria from the mouth.