We have a love-hate relation with sugar. On one hand, the happiness we get from a sugary treat is unparalleled. But on the other hand, it makes it very hard for us to maintain our figures. Ask anyone who has a sweet tooth about their deepest desires, the most common answer would be to eat chocolate without getting fat. But that’s just one problem. It causes a whole lot of problems for our teeth. According to the best dental clinic in Kolkata, from early tooth decay to darkening of the tooth, all can be linked back to excess consumption of sugar. That’s how frustrating it is for anyone who loves sweets.

Sugar and our teeth

The bacteria present in our mouth uses sugar as a quick source of energy and therefore, thrive in its presence. It consumes the sugar and produces a type of acid as a by-product. According to the best dental doctor in Kolkata, this acid causes wear and tear of our teeth and weakens them. When left coated in this acid and sugar, our teeth become vulnerable. The enamel part of the teeth starts to decay and that’s how cavity is formed.

What types of sweet do the most damage?

You will be surprised to know that it’s not even about the amount of sugar present in the sweet but the texture of it. Stay away from sticky sweets, they are the worst. That means no fruit cake, no gummy bear, no candy cane and no toffee. Any type of candy that sticks to your teeth will cause more harm to your teeth than a chocolate bar. The stickier they are, the harder it is to be washed away by our saliva. And the longer they stick to our teeth and gum, the more harm it will cause.

How to get around this problem?

“You don’t have to give up sweets and candies”, says the best dentist in Kolkata. The secret is moderation. Don’t finish that big packet of gummy bear or candy canes all at once. Drink plenty of water. It will wash away the excess sugar sticking between the teeth. Brush your teeth after having a highly sugary substance. Floss them. This is another great way of getting rid of the sweet stuck in the nooks and corners of your mouth. Consume sugary food while having a meal. This is because you salivate more while eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Whether your love for sugary treats is genetic or by habit, as long as you keep the following advice, you are safe. You won’t have to break your sweet tooth to protect your teeth.